Your Safety is Our Priority
Slave Lake Adult Education is following the regulations set out by the Alberta Health Services and Northern Lakes College.
At this time, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Slave Lake Adult Education (SLAE) office is not open at Northern Lakes College. NLC has limited onsite personnel in Slave Lake, and all buildings are closed to the public. Therefore, until the NLC opens again, SLAE will be offering courses at alternate locations.
See the NLC bulletin for details about the college.
Slave Lake Adult Education, your Community Adult Learning Program, is continuing to serve learners in and around Slave Lake by offering a mix of online and in-person scenarios.
When possible, tutoring and courses are offered by a computer on the platform Zoom.
With some courses, online and in-person instruction will be offered.
When courses must be offered in person, we will continue to social distance and urge all participants to wear masks. The location of these courses will be announced on the website.
One-to-one tutoring may take place in person with masks, social distancing and where possible, a plexiglass divider. The location will be arranged with the learner and tutor.
Don’t let Covid-19 stop you from continuing to upgrade your skills.
We specialize in helping adults reach their goals!
Computers can be made available for practicing, quizzes and participating in the courses and tutoring.
Contact us for more information and to discuss your needs:
P: (780) 849-8625 E: For a list of upcoming courses, check our CURRENT COURSE OFFERINGS page.