Look at these people.
Which ones learned easily as children
and which ones did not?
You cannot tell which adults struggle to read or write or do math.
Are you an adult who struggled in school as a child?
As a child, you may not have been served well in school. As a result, you may still struggle with reading or writing or math. If you struggled with academic subjects as a child, it was not your fault.

You may have a hidden learning disability (LD)
What is a Learning Disability?
A learning disability is a neurological disorder which alters brain functioning in a manner which affects one or more processes related to learning.
Learning Disabled adults have average or above average intelligence but persistent difficulty reading, writing, spelling, reasoning, processing, social interaction, recalling and/or organizing information. LD adults do not have a global intellectual deficiency. Adults with learning disabilities are as smart or smarter than their peers, but struggled to learn core subjects as children because lessons were taught to the majority. So, many adults have been pushed on from grade to higher grade without mastery in core subjects.
A learning disability can’t be cured or fixed; it is a lifelong issue. With the right support and intervention, however, adults with learning disabilities can succeed with academics. You can achieve success academically when you know your strengths and weaknesses, understand the educational system, work with professionals who know about learning disabilities and learn about strategies for dealing with specific academic difficulties.
The most comprehensive site available for you to discover all things LD, is the American Disability Association of America. This page contains information specific to LD adults.
Learn more from the Learning Disabilities Association of Canada.
The Internet site LD Online – Signs lists common signs of a Learning Disability from pre-school to adulthood.
The Internet site LD Online – What is LD explains a learning disability, gives facts about LDs, and explains common types of learning disabilities.

People with LDs have strength and weaknesses
- People with LDs learn differently
- Schools teach for/to the majority
- LD seems to influence academics the most
- General life – LD is usually not noticeable outside the family
Learning Disabilities should not hamper your success.
Adults with with LDs are successful in University studies and make great contributions to the world.
Famous LDs!
Thomas Edison
Winston Churchill
Tom Cruise
Famous LD Adults click here.
Individuals with learning disabilities require identification. If you are identified as having a learning disability, you can access equal education at all postsecondary institutions.
For more information
about accommodations, click here.
Appropriate education is available
Education needs to be appropriate for each individual’s learning disability and include:
- specific skill instruction
- accommodations
- compensatory strategies
- self-advocacy skills
Having a formal assessment of an LD entitles you to accommodations.

It means that our courses are developed:
Start your learning journey with us. Receive specialized instruction right for you. Let us guide you to a formal assessment.
Slave Lake Adult Education, strives to design our courses so that all learners can learn, no matter their strengths or weaknesses. What does this mean?
- in plain language, so everyone can understand it.
- with audio, so adults who struggle with reading will not be hindered
- with memory strategies, so content can later be recalled by the learner.
- with large print for ease in reading for adults with dyslexia
- with tutoring provided where needed
- with additional time offered to complete
We know that not all great minds think alike or learn alike.
With us, you can set your own goals and learn at your own pace.
We invite you to learn with us and experience success.