Serving Slave Lake since 1984 - Your Path To Lifelong Learning
Through the years, our board has been made up of a multitude of dedicated volunteers.
Slave Lake residents committed to volunteering to ensure all residents can participate fully in further learning. Their volunteer commitment to ensuring lifelong learning opportunities creates a vibrant learning community for us all. We could not exist without them.

SLAEC became a Society in 1984 and passed through oversite of many organizations and name changes since its inception. As well, the focus of activities engaged in has been diverse over the years.
Our organization became a Charity in 1984 and held several fundraisers to alleviate crisis locally and abroad, as well as the annual Christmas Craft Sale offered with proceeds being donated each year to Slave Lake Food Bank and Slave Lake Santas Anonymous.
In the 1970s, we became a Community Adult Learning Program.

In the early 1970s, the provincial government recognized a need for adult learning and allocated funds to start further education councils throughout Alberta.
Through the Community Adult Learning Program, Alberta Advanced Education provided funding and other supports to community-based organizations to facilitate the delivery of part-time, non-formal adult learning opportunities in local communities.

Watch this 2-minute video introducing you to CALP.

Our Guidelines from Alberta Advanced Education:
Literacy & Foundational Learning is required programming which can be offered by courses, tutoring, and learning activities.
Required programming includes these 5 categories:
- Adult Literacy
- Numeracy
- Skills for Learning
- Basic Digital Skills
- English Language Learning

Alberta’s adult learners have a wide variety of cultures, traditions, and experiences.
Many are underrepresented Albertans who have faced barriers to participating in learning, and/or have had previous negative experiences in formal education.
Trust, openness, and respect improve access to (and success in) the learning system.
Our CALP is well-positioned to respond to the diversity in our population.
All learners are welcome!